英語語彙力判定 [Version 4]







(1)から(5)までの( )に入るものを選び、判定をクリックしてください。

(1) We're looking forward to ( ) you.

1. see
2. seeing
3. saw
4. seen

(2) The population of this town is now very ( ).

1. less
2. much
3. small
4. low

(3) It takes 15 minutes to get there ( ) foot.

1. on
2. at
3. under
4. as

(4) The monthly ( ) of this swimming pool is 20 dollars.

1. fare
2. price
3. bill
4. fee

(5) This is between you and me, so I want you to keep it ( ).

1. in your head
2. under your hat
3. under your shoes
4. in your shirt